
(21 customer reviews)



  • OCF/Windom Dipole antenna ~133ft long
  • 14 AWG XLPE Black insulated wire
  • Covers  80/40/30/20/15/12/10m
  • Power 3kW ICAS
SKU: OCF-8010E-3K Category: Tags: , ,


OCF-8010E-3K OCF antenna (Windom)

This is the OCF Dipole antenna also known as Windom antenna fed at 19% of one end(19/81% ratio). Current type 4:1 (200:50 Ohms) BALUN is another product designed for OCF antennas (Off Center Fed) also known as Windom antenna. Dual cores, a total of two (2) 2.4 inch (61mm) wound with PTFE  wire is the best CURRENT  BALUN design used with unbalanced antennas. It covers 1-54 MHz with almost perfect VSWR terminated into 200 Ohms load (see the VSWR curve in the gallery below). Unlike some competitors, we do not make unrealistic power rating claims. Our OCF Windom 3k will handle power ratings up to the legal limit of 1500W in the USA and elsewhere beyond. It is rated at 3kW ICAS.

BALUN Enclosure is an injection molding of PBT20-Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT thermoplastic polymer) material filled with 20% glass fiber. This UV Resistant/Weatherable polymer offers impact strength, heat resistance (melting point 223 °C, or 433 °F) as well as being an excellent electrical insulator.

OCF-8010E-3K Features

  • So239 Teflon/gold pin connector
  • Stainless steel hardware
  • 14AWG XLPE  black insulated wire

VSWR values were taken with  Rigexpert AA-30 Analyzer.  OCF 8010E-3K antenna was at 20 feet above the ground and fed with 100 feet of RG8X coaxial cable.

OCF3K BALUN Insertion Loss
OCF3K BALUN Insertion Loss
OCF3K-BALUN-VSWR terminated with 200 Ohms load

*ICAS = Intermittent Commercial and Amateur Service

Additional information

Weight 64 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 4 in

21 reviews for OCF-8010E-3K

  1. Jim Davis N0DNY

    I put up my OCF antenna on the 4th of July, and I simply wanted to let you know that I am delighted with it. I’m getting great signal reports in spite of the lousy band conditions, and have broken through some DX pile-ups that I could not with my other dipole. I am pleased with the “receive” side, too. Thanks for a great antenna system. Jim Davis N0DNY

  2. Erich OE3OSB

    Perfect work !!!! It is a so perfect work. Each of all parts, are high quality. Thanks for this vy nice looking product.

    Vy 73 de Erich OE3OSB

  3. Bruce Osborne

    Have a Yaesu 8900R and it’s picking up channels on all the bands with excellent receive and transmit. Thanks for making such a fine quality antenna!

  4. Mark W5MHG

    Mark Goodrum (W5MHG)

    My Ham buddy and I replaced my G5RV with the OCF. Getting great reports and great ears! Super product.

  5. W2LEW

    I have owned mine for 2 weeks now. Have it at 50ft between a couple of Pine Trees. Running 100w, and have made many contacts in spite of noisy band conditions. This Antenna is FB

  6. Blaine K5UOT

    Here we go again! Put the OCF-8010E-3K up over the weekend(10 June) at Ute Lake state park in New Mexico out standing antenna! I also have the EFHW-8010 at my home. No amp used. All reports Perfect leave it alone. Still more than 5 Stars. 73 K5UOT!!!!

  7. Lee–W8SMF

    I put up a EFHW-4010 with the feed point at my tower and running to a tree at a height of 45 feet. To take the strain off of the thin wire, I used a heavy dacron rope as a messenger with the wire tie-wrapped to the rope every six feet. The VSWR was as advertised–until it rained. The wet rope detuned the antenna enough to make it inoperative on 40M. I spaced the wire about 4 inches below the messenger rope, and it works fine. Always learning something new about ham radio antennas!

  8. Mike DG5LAC

    I put it up 2018 replaced an old uggly Windom. The Windom can´t work at 15/30m Band. This antenna works great also at 15/30m Band. This antenna I use to compare other multiband antennas. No other antenna (Vertical Dipol, etc) can reach this results!!! Also not my R9 vertical! And the OCF is 10m (30 ft) only mounted over ground between two House.
    I have 3 OCF antennas (MyAntennas) 1x OCF-8010-3K at home. 1x OCF-4010 & 8010 for portable. For /p activations this antennas are very havy. But this quality and the results are great. Maybe MyAntennas build the same antenna with lighty wires for portable in the future?

    Thanks for the great product.

  9. Dave K4UVX

    I purchased and installed the My Antennas 8010 3K OCF Dipole in September 2020. This is an amazing antenna and performs very well. I have made many contacts world wide at 90 to 100 watts. I have the antenna up at 40′ set up as an inverted V. The SWR is excellent and mirrors exactly what the factory specifications indicate. The quality of the materials and construction are both outstanding and I definitely recommend this product. Great job MyAntennas!

  10. Dennis Haynes

    I have this mounted on top of house with small mast and running out to some trees on the long end and short end is tied off to pole. The antenna performs very well. The long wire zigs through some trees in a L shape and does not impact SWR. Not optimal, and using the ATU to get it below SWR of 2 on all bands listed. Works great, built well. Happy.

  11. Vincengt

    I have been a ham since the 70s and these guys build some of the greatest stuff on the market I have ever seen..

  12. Evans

    The materials used are of top-notch quality. I’m really glad I purchased your antenna. I will buy another when I can.

  13. Edward L.

    Very effective OCF Dipole; black wire jacket blends with trees.

  14. Oizon Herve

  15. Larry Staker

  16. Mark J.

    The OCF dipole went up easily and appears to be good quality material. Specs indicate no tuner needed, but I find I need the antenna tuner on all bands if I want to use my solid state amplifier. Already a few new countries on 40 and 30 meters. Early days yet on 80m.

  17. Stephen Maynard

    The antenna is great. It’s done everything I’ve wanted to do. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another one or recommend it to someone else.

  18. william Stevens

    Works with no aggravation!

  19. Rick H.

    I am very pleased with the products i received

  20. Anonymous

  21. Wendel Fettig

    It works as it was intended to I mistakenly ordered it instead of the 75-10 OCF which would of fit my property better and my needs

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