EFLW-1K End Fed Long Wire Antenna
This is an End Fed Long Wire wire antenna that will cover all bands from 160 to 6 meters, including the WARC bands, as well as 60-meter and MARS frequencies. It utilizes a 9:1 UNUN transformer in order to bring the impedance of the antenna to more manageable values for your antenna tuner. For some frequencies, a wide-range antenna tuner might be needed. SWR values can be as high as 10:1 and as low as 1.5:1 depending on the band, wire length, coaxial cable length, and configuration of wire.
This is an affordable wire version of a popular 43-foot vertical antenna. Our wires start at 44 feet but a longer length is recommended for coverage of 80m or even 160m band. It all depends on of available room you have to install this antenna.
It is a great antenna for HAM radio operators living in HOA-controlled housing, hams desiring a very stealthy RV antenna, Field Day operations, sailboats, portable operating, attic and backyard installations, ARES, RACES, etc.
- Frequency coverage: 1.8-54MHz
- Non-resonant on any amateur radio band, TUNER is needed.
- Wire lengths 44, 60, 73, 88, 107, 140, 173, and 202 feet are available
- Standard #16 AWG XLPE wire with end insulator.
- Power Handling: 1kW I.C.A.S
- Stainless Steel Hardware
- Connector: SO-239
Additional information:
Terminated into 450 Ohms load, VSWR on 9:1 UNUN is almost flat from 1-30Mhz, This is not the SWR of the antenna. This antenna Needs a wide range of TUNER to operate.
- 9:1 UNUN has very low Insertion loss, from less than 0.1dB at 1.8MHz to 0.2dB at 28MHz, additional loss of the whole antenna system could be expected from mismatch on the coaxial cable and Tuner losses
- The transformer is wound with PTFE (Teflon wire) on two (2) 2.4-inch diameter Ferrite toroids in order to handle 1000W at any frequency.
- It takes only moments to deploy the antenna. Pull the wire end into a tree, hang it off the balcony, hook it to a pole, hook it to a building and you are on the air making contacts.
- Most HF ham bands can be tuned by the tuner on your radio. NOTE: To tune all HF ham bands an external tuner may be required.
- It could work without radials/counterpoise (Coaxial cable has to be at least 25 feet long) but grounding at the wing nut next to the connector is recommended if used close to the ground as an inverted L configuration.
- This antenna can be hung in many different configurations. It can be hung as a sloper, an inverted L, hung in a straight line, zigzagged, vertical, horizontal, etc.
- Antenna polarization is determined by your installation. Vertical, horizontal, or both can be accomplished.
- Due to possible common mode currents on your feeder, we recommend using a CMC-Common Mode Choke/Line isolator such as CMC-154-3K to keep RF away from you and your equipment. It will also help you receive by filtering induced noise from various sources.
Kelly –
Worked great with my Yaesu FTDX-10. Got the 44ft one for camping and POTA.
Anonymous –
Curt Krelic –
This antenna surprised me because I was able to load almost all the bands with the internal antenna in the radio. I did have 75 foot run of RG8X to the transformer, maybe that helped? Not long after Danny start making these antennas, they are all I use now. They work as well and better than anything I’ve ever used and 1 million times easier to install!
Chris Johnstone –
The antenna works well on all bands and I am very happy with it.
Lascom –
Mounted at a low height here of 14′, I could still match and use the antenna, even on the 160M band. Yes, I do plan on raising it when possible.
Jon P. –
This purchase was to replace the exact same antenna that was damaged when a tree came down in a storm and took out the antenna wire and the unun. I had the original antenna up for about 5 years, during which time my unconfirmed DXCC count went from about 100 entities to just under 200 entities (186 confirmed). I don’t live on top of a mountain (in fact, I’m near sea level) and I don’t live close to any salt water. I run 100 watts (50 watts for FT8). It loads up without a problem on all the ham bands – with everything but 160 and 60 loading up with the internal tuner on my IC-7300. It’s a good antenna.