
(55 customer reviews)


EFHW-8010-2K-Plus  Multiband End Fed Half Wave Antenna

NOTE: This antenna can’t cover the whole 80/75M band with low SWR, for lower SWR on the upper-end of the band, 3.8-4MHz get a EFHW-7510-2K-Plus!

  • 130 Feet (39.6m) long #14 AWG XLPE black wire
  • NO TUNER needed!
  • Perfect for ALE HFLink, ARES, EMCOM …
  • Resonant on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m
  • 2kW-ICAS max.
  • Digital mode (FT8) 350W continuous
  • Transformer MEF-130-2K+ covering 1-30MHz

Visit the FAQ page at this LINK for Installation MANUAL

SKU: EFHW-8010-2K+-PLUS+ Category: Tags: ,


EFHW-8010-2K-Plus, 2000W Multi-Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna

Improved version of the EFHW-8010-2K, now with three large cores, 3-inch diameter, featuring just 0.5 dB Insertion loss 3-30MHz!

This is an End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW*) antenna for 80/40/30/20/17/15/12 and 10m bands. Unlike many END FED antennas on the market, this one does not require the Antenna Tuner to operate. It is a resonant Half wave on 80m (3.5MHz) therefore also resonant on second, third, and fourth harmonics, etc.  Due to the High Impedance feed point, the antenna is less height-dependent. You can put it up at 10 or 50 feet in the air without much change in VSWR values.

*This is perfect antenna for ALE HF-link  stations, NVIS, MARS, ARES, EMCOMM etc.

Various installations such as horizontal, vertical, inverted V, inverted L, etc. are possible. Measured VSWR in the gallery are taken with the antenna in an inverted V shape with the center of wire at 20 feet and ends a few feet above the ground, your values could vary with the way and height of installation.

  • NO TUNER needed!
  • NO counterpoise is needed! (Grounding recommended*)
  • Frequency coverage: 3.5-30MHz
  • Resonant on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m
  • Wire length ~130 feet
  • Power Handling: 2kW I.C.A.S
  • Digital mode (FT8) 350W continuous
  • Stainless Steel Hardware
  • Stealth #14 AWG XLPE black wire
  • Connector: Silver/Teflon SO-239
  • The 2K-Plus model has three large stacked cores 
  • Transformer MEF-130-2K+ covering 1-30MHz

Comparison image between three transformer sizes, 1K-Plus and 2K-Plus

*Grounding at the transformer box or end of the coaxial cable is recommended for protection of your equipment from an electrostatic buildup in order to prevent ESD- electrostatic discharge.

NOTE: grounding does not affect antenna tuning. If the transformer box is installed high above the ground , there is no need to route the ground wire from the box, instead just ground the coaxial cable at the entrance to your home or at the station.


*Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES), ALE-Automatic Link Establishment (HFlink), MARS-The U.S. Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (AMARS), NVIS


Additional information

Weight 60 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 3 in

EFHW-8010-2K+PLUS antenna only, EFHW-8010-2K+PLUS with Pole Installation Plate

55 reviews for EFHW-8010-2K-Plus

  1. kd9obg

    I purchased a Kenwood TS-590SG in January. I needed an antenna to work it with until spring, when I can set up my Butternut HF9V vertical.
    After reading some reviews I bought the 8010 2k-plus with no regrets, my other choice was out of stock.
    What a great antenna!!!
    The feed point is up 18′ the wire runs 115′ to a northeast tree about 40′ up with the remaining wire pointing to the ground, making a stubby “L”. Today I made contacts in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominician Republic, US Virgin Islands and Italy on 15m during a DX contes running 100 watts. Using only the internal tuner as needed, and it wasn’t needed much. SWR was better than expected. Looking forward to using both antennas this summer!
    Great Product!!

  2. KC1NLX

    The 8010 2K Plus is awesome. Built like a tank and incredibly easy to install as a sloper . I was fortunate to already have my UV ropes on both ends so overall time spent was 30 minutes max. SWR readings are as described in the install pdf. I am operating QRP (max 10w) as we speak and just finished a QSL with the net giving me a 59. My next step will be to raise the side of the line to a much higher elevation. Right now its at 25′ so I know the antenna is somewhat compromised. No internal or external tuner operating now

    Waiting for my 7300 to really give this EF a run and fine tune using its internal tuner. Again- Awesome and to all- 73 and great DX’ ing

  3. Conrad – N2YCH

    My first EFHW antenna was the EFHW-60S-1k to allow me to work 60 meters. It was receiving so well on many other frequencies (that it wasn’t tuned for) in comparison to my OCF 7 band dipole, I tried this 8010 -2k Plus.
    Doing an A-B comparison with an antenna switch, the 8010 receives 3db to 5db better than the dipole and on some bands as much as 10db more on my IC-7610 S-meter. The two antennas are oriented in the same direction and about the same length, so I think this is a good test. They are both about 25′ -30′ in the air.
    I’m running FT8 usually and if this antenna is 5db more sensitive, then I’m getting signals now that I was missing before.
    As others have said, the SWR is good on all bands, I’m keeping the power low and my received spots are better on this antenna than the dipole as well.
    Highly recommend!

  4. Sverre JUNIOR Fossen

    I love this 8010 2K & 8010 2K-Plus I have them both and work with them all day long here in south part of Norway

    8010-2K I have used for 2 years now and the 8010-2K-Plus used for 1 year and no problem on any of them so I promote for theses antennas for sure – Highly recommend !
    73 LB7VI Junior
    Arendal city in south part of Norway Locator JO48JL

  5. W5NR, Rick

    Really nice antenna… I mounted my 8010 2K-Plus at 45′ on my 55′ tower and at the 130′ end, it is right at 25′ off the ground. I was really happy to see that when I connected my NanoVNA just how low and flat the SWR was. I have been running WSPR late at night on 40/20 meters @200mW from 10PM to 7AM in the morning with great results. Normal SSB contacts running from 100 to 500 Watts are giving me the same results. I just purchased the 4010 1K-Plus and I’m going to mount that EFHW at the 50′ level of the tower at 90 degrees to the 8010 EFHW.

    73, Rick W5NR

  6. David WV8EDU

    This is the first antenna I purchased after earning my General and is still the only antenna I use for working HF. I’ve reached 180+ DXCCs (160+ confirmed) working it barefoot with an IC7300. This is a fabulous, versatile, first antenna that provides a great bang for the buck. I can’t recommend it highly enough, especially as a first HF antenna.

  7. Leon Bishop

    I bought this antenna to replace my home brew 40-10…..man it is working great and only 25 above ground! It is in and inverted “L” configuration. The transformer is only about 20 inches off the ground. I am making SSB contacts that I couldn’t even hear before. 7 qsos with POTA stations and 7 dx in fist hour using the antenna with 100 watts. I live in Mississippi.
    Leon N5PU

  8. Steve Katz WB2WIK

    Purchased in June 2022, installed in July. Now the EFHW8010-2K has been up about 17 months, installed about 30 feet AGL in a straight horizontal line, supported by a Rohn telescoping mast at each end.

    Pretty amazing results! VSWR <2:1 for 100 kHz on 80, all of 40m, all of 20m, 17m, 15m and 12m, and about half of 10m. VSWR on 30m is about 2:1. I don't use a tuner with it at all and have put a kW into it (carrier power, tuning up) hundreds of times without issue. I love the very, very flexible but well insulated wire — no kinks, no fighting with you, just lays out perfectly straight with a slight tug and doesn't stretch.

    Over 17 months, about 3000 contacts worldwide, using every band except 60m (it will not match there at all).

    Excellent value, I'd recommend to anyone.

  9. Charles S.

    Working great

  10. Curt Krelic

    Best of best for ease of installation and operation. This is my third one due to storms, this one is NOT around trees!

  11. Brian Becker

    Works like a champ

  12. Horst Leykam

    Works as described, well made.

  13. Nick P.

    Build quality and performance will not disappoint. MyAntennas.com is my go-to shop for pre-built antennas.


  15. Ægir Olafsson

  16. James Warnock

    I have the EFHW 8010 version stretched between 2 tall firs stretched horizontally about 80 ft up. I have been pleasantly surprised how well it has worked out. Except for the upper end of the 80 meter band the SWR is between 1:1 to 1:6 across all bands. I am just an occasional operator but still have managed to work 119 countries over 9 months of operation with this antenna running 500 watts from western Oregon. On 80 meter SSB I have had S9 reports as far as Japan. On 40 meter SSB I have worked many South African, Australian, Asian and European stations. Many of the reports given were S9+. When the upper bands are open I have no trouble working anywhere in the world with great signal reports.

  17. Randy

    This is the one to use.

  18. James R White

  19. Steve R.

  20. Steve Greathouse

    The My Antenna 8010 2k-plus is a really great antenna, easy set up and very well made, I use this antenna a little different then most for Airforce Mars and Shares, it gets me on the air very quick for our set up on our deployments, easy up and works very well, I appreciate the simplicity and the durability of this antenna and you will too

  21. Robert S.

    This was a replacement for one of your end fed antennas that was destroyed in a hurricane. I talk all over the U.S on 75 meters with this antenna using about 500 Watts.

  22. Bruce K.

    I like the antenna but I haven’t put up yet.

  23. James

    Hit Belgium on the first transmission from our farm in Maine.

  24. Don M.

    Love it. Works great.

  25. Rita

  26. Michael W.

    Antenna performs exceptionally well. I utilize a tuner and in-spite of some terrain features, I am able to reach world wide from Antartica, Africa, Japan, Indonesia, Europe, All 50 US States and over 100 foreign countries, all with 80 watts or less output. This antenna is a great performer.

  27. Eric

  28. Philip

    Works great no adjustment needed was less than 2:1 across all bands with most below 1.5: 1

  29. Norm

    Wow! The 80M EFHW is one of the best antennas I’ve ever had. The 2KW option gives me the flexibility to put a full kilowatt to it and I’ve had amazing results. If you have the space to put up this antenna, you won’t be disappointed.

  30. JC McCormick

    My latest Myantennas.com purchase. Overall the best wire antennas I have ever used. A well made quality product. Performs exactly as advertised. Excellent antennas. NT4K JC

  31. Tom Whiteside

    Purchased three of these antennas and they are still working great. I recommend them!

  32. albert s.

    Wire gauge is too small. Repaired 3 times this year from breakage.

  33. Thomas Koch

    I’m a long time ham 1957-2024 and have built and purchased several but the MyAntenna 80-10 meters exceed my expectations!
    I live in fairly restricted POA and have had no adverse reaction’s to my installation into the woods and stream behind my home and property!

  34. Michael Stone

    The antenna transmits and receives very well on the bands that I have used, 17, 20, and 40m. Unfortunately at times it picks up a lot of noise. I like the fact that it is almost invisible and appears to be built quite well. My only real objection is the cost.

  35. Jack Z.

    I couldn’t be happier. Great reports from many countries.

  36. Clark S.

    I mounted this antenna horizontally up about 30 feet. In 2 years I’ve made over 10K contacts on FT8 and FT4 on all bands (with a tuner it will tune on 6 and 160 meters). It is well built and hasn’t given me any problems. Highly recommended!

  37. Thomas S.

  38. Daniel Edwards


    I have this and 2 others all work Great Oscar WO3O

  40. Jerzy Pokrywka

    In my opinion, this is the best commercial antenna in its class I have ever bought, far exceeding my expectations. For antenna builders, the price may not seem very commensurate with the materials used. I am not from the tribe of builders only operators. I make an assumption that I have stuck to invariably for years.


  41. Anonymous

    Works well, much quieter than my vertical

  42. Michael

    The antenna worked well, and in my installation no counterpoise or dedicated ground wire to the lug was required. I also purchased the EFLW 6-160 with the same results as the EFHW from MyAntennas

  43. Anonymous

    Antenna was installed as a sloper and is working ok. I shorten feedline up as short as possible and it still needs tuning a little on 80 but works.

  44. Carl Young

    I was skeptical but now my 80 thru 10m w/30/17/12m antenna is one antenna. I have the far end up 60’ and it really plays. Another MyAntennas antenna perpendicular to it and 35’ works great but the higher one gives about 2 s units stronger reception on most signals.

    Very pleased and won’t be putting my 2 element 6 band quad back up.

    De K5HK

  45. Dale A.

    This antenna has been a boon to me for working 30, 40, 80, and occasionally 160 m DX! I run it as an inverted L. It rises ~48 feet vertically, then out horizontally the remaining length to a neighbor’s tree. I live on the west side of the Rocky Mtns in WA state and can get into EU, AS, SA and the Pacific, along with all of NA when conditions are favorable. Typically run 200-300 watts on FT8 and twice that on CW. 9BWAS on FT8. Eight band DXCC, All with a lot of help from this antenna.

  46. Roger Downs

    Great antenna. Made many contacts for the last two years at Field Day. One antenna, many bands.

  47. Adam Nowik Jr

    First experience with My Antennas was helping another local HAM install his. Well built and efficient antenna. Had to get one for myself so far have only used
    it for event deployment with good results.

  48. Eric K.

    Absolutely excellent product. Performs as advertised.

  49. Anonymous

    excellent product , thanks .

  50. David B.

    Great value. Using for FT8 and making contacts over 11.4k miles away. Very impressed with the performance.

  51. Lou Giovannetti

    I have been very happy with this antenna, Easy to put up and it works great on all bands from 80-10 meters. I don’t need an antenna tuner for most if not all of the bands.


    Great antenna. I get great reports and if I can hear them I can work them. Highly recommend

  53. Richard Van Hoose

    I haven’t installed the antenna yet due to weather and travel away from home. In fact, it’s snowing now! I’m ready to install as soon as is practical.

    I am impressed with the engineering and robustness of the antenna!

    Richard Van Hoose

  54. Sverre Fossen

    Highly Satisfied with MyAntennas.com Products!

    I am extremely pleased with the antennas from MyAntennas.com. Currently, I have:

    ? 1 x EFHW-8010-2K
    ? 2 x EFHW-8010-2K-Plus

    The only thing I could wish for is a model that can truly handle high power effortlessly—so there’s no need to worry IF running a high-power contacts on FT8 or other digital modes. Perhaps an EFHW-8010-5K-Plus would be the perfect solution next time ? ?

    73 de LB7VI, Sverre

  55. Phil Hanna

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