EFHW-7510-2K-Plus, 2000W Multi-Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna
Improved version of the EFHW-7510-2K, now with three large cores, 3-inch diameter, featuring just 0.5 dB Insertion loss 3-30MHz!
This is an End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW*) antenna for 75/40/30/20/17/15/12 and 10m bands. Unlike many END FED antennas on the market, this one does not require the Antenna Tuner to operate. Due to the High Impedance feed point, the antenna is less height-dependent. You can put it up at 10 or 50 feet in the air without much change in VSWR values.
*This is perfect antenna for ALE HF-link stations, NVIS, MARS, ARES, EMCOMM etc.
Various installations such as horizontal, vertical, inverted V, inverted L, etc. are possible. Your VSWR values could vary with different wire configurations and the height of installation.
- NO TUNER needed!
- NO counterpoise is needed! (Grounding recommended*)
- Frequency coverage: 3.5-30MHz
- Resonant on 75/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m
- Wire length ~130 feet
- Power Handling: 2kW I.C.A.S
- 350W digital modes continuous (FT8, RTTY, etc)
- Stainless Steel Hardware
- Stealth #14 AWG XLPE black wire
- Connector: Silver/Teflon SO-239
- The 2K-Plus model has three large stacked cores
- Transformer MEF-130-2K+ covering 1-30MHz
Comparison image between transformer sizes, 1K-Plus and 2K-Plus
*Grounding at the transformer box or end of the coaxial cable is recommended for protection of your equipment from an electrostatic buildup in order to prevent ESD- electrostatic discharge.
NOTE: grounding does not affect antenna tuning. If the transformer box is installed high above the ground , there is no need to route the ground wire from the box, instead just ground the coaxial cable at the entrance to your home or at the station.
*Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES), ALE-Automatic Link Establishment (HFlink), MARS-The U.S. Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (AMARS), NVIS
Robert Kelley –
I finally got the new wire in the air today. Minimum of tuning with it
in a slope position from 10′ to 39′! All I can say is WOW, this
antenna simply works and works well. Great job folks. A little
expensive, but well worth the extra money… It tunes with the
internal tuner on my Yaesu FTDX-1200 all the way from 80-10! My
homebrew antennas worked ok, but this thing is far better…
Rod –
I’ve had my 7510 up now for two and a bit years strung between two trees about 25ft at one end and 60ft at the other on the top of a small ridge.
I live in a very windy location and we get lots of snow and icing and the antenna hasn’t suffered a nick even after the 1/4″ aerial rope snapped due to insufficient slack, over 100lbs pull for sure. The wire, balun etc took the strain no prob. well built. Matches so well on every design band that i dont even need a tuner and my ss amp doesn’t trip. Wire and components are no worse for wear and show no signs of breakdown after two years. This is a great antenna and its ease of throwing up due to its end fed design make for a super quick install. Performs much better than my g5rv and easier to deploy. I recommend this antenna for fixed or portable.
ps i also have an 8010 at my other qth up for 5’ish years still running like the day i hung it. Reliable well built units.
Harold “Lewis” Pearson –
First class Outstanding NVIS.
My feed point end is about 15 feet high in the far end there’s about 25 feet high in a tree. Even when only using 20 watts on my Xiegu G90 Radio many people think I am using an amplifier because I am so loud and clear. But I am not, it it’s just I have a great antenna now.
I am getting NVIS on 75 m In the evening with crystal clear contacts on NVIS as if they were sitting in the same room with me talking at all distances from my doorstep to about 400 miles in all directions. The 40 works in the day and they both work well at night for NVIS properties.
For NVIS this antenna for me is just a dream it is fantastic it is great I cannot say enough good about it.
Barry J Fisher –
just got my 75-10 works so good VSWR is perfect thinking of getting another one to run at another direction, i give it 5 stars , great work
Russ C –
I installed 35′ of LMR400 UG from the shack to a galvanized intermediate fence post with a cap. Then I mounted the EFHW-7510-2K-Plus transformer at the top of the post and ran the EFHW-7510-2K-Plus antenna wire vertically about 25′ above the transformer to a robust tree, and horizontally the remainder of the wire length to another robust tree. I was careful to keep the wire insulated, high, and away from all objects. After grounding the transformer at the post, I grounded the shield of the cable at the cable entrance, and installed a lightning protector and a homebrew CMC at the shack. I put my antenna analyzer on the antenna and I must say I am very pleased with the result. Out of the box, all SWR’s are very acceptable across all of the bands advertised. This antenna is an excellent design and of great quality!
Ernie Waite –
Got this antenna up about two weeks ago and loving it! It runs as an east to west sloper, starting at 8 feet and going up to about 20 feet. The automatic tuner in my Yaesu FT-991A brings an already low SWR down to almost nothing. I have been asked several times if I’m running an amp but I am running barefoot. This is an excellent antenna and my XYL is pleased with how stealthy it looks.
Greg K8CGS –
I have owned about every inverted V over EFs for reasons most do. But
I changed QTH a year ago and needed a quick antenna before winter. A
friend that has more money in antennas than my QTH said to get your EF
75-10m. He said he uses it more than his quad. After a year I have to
say this thing is magic. It is so superior to any wire antenna I have
operated. So much, I have decided not to put up a Hex. Thanks you all
and Merry Christmas!
Art –
Erected the 7510-2kPlus EFHW Antenna a week ago at my QTH in Connecticut. The antenna is pointed E to West at 35 to 55 feet high in a flat top configuration (the land slopes down away from the QTH).
I have the antenna starting about 30 feet away from the house to reduce any domestic QRN. Door springs provide flex near the supports. Dacron runs from the springs to the supplied insulators. LMR400 feeds the antenna at a length of 40 feet. Palstar HF-Auto is the tuner front ending the Palstar LA-1K amplifier and Yaesu FTDX101MP.
Worked the OMISS QSO SSB Party on 20M with contacts from Italy to Alaska, Hawaii and south to Suriname and about 40 states and many Canadian Provences. Recently, on 10M contacts in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Jamaica and Belize. On 12M contacts in Italy, Slovenia, Norway, Spain, Portugal, and Russia. Using the antenna I am aware there are some major lobes and then some nulls as well on 10 and 12m. Oddly enough right off the tip (pointing west) Arizona, NM, Utah and Wyoming are 59 SSB contacts much to my surprise. So far I am pretty impressed with this antenna’s performance and the Palstar HF-Auto can get the SWR down to about 1.00 to 1.1 on 40, 20, 15, 12 and 10 in the SSB phone General frequencies. I have not tried the antenna on 75M. This is a real winner of an EFHW antenna as far as I am concerned. 73s and Kudos… Art W1SWL. (Always Listening!)
Terry –
Pleased with the antenna; construction, SWRs, performance.
My installation is o.k., not optimal. 35 feet vertical, then horizontal portion slightly rises. But it’s in close proximity to tree branches and a trunk. 75 feet of LMR 400 to radio room.
SWRs at radio room, without any tweaking of antenna: 75 m (3.900) – 1.1! 40 – 10 m including WARC bands (except for 30 m) – all less 1.5. 30 m – 2.9. Even 6 m is 2.4.
Performance – very good for a simple, single wire, multiband antenna. With 90 W or less SSB and with limited operating time and casual pursuit of DX, have worked numerous European, South and Central American stations. Good reports from all over North America. No Asia yet, but can hear them. Even quite a few long distance North American contacts on 6 m (I understand that anything can work on 6 during openings and many were with 6 m big gun stations).
The 7510 replaced a non-resonant “L” of about the same length in the same location. The non-res used a high quality un:un (from a different vendor), four elevated counterpoises and a remote autotuner at the base. The 7510 gets significantly better signal reports on all bands. No sure why, but it does.
Thank you Danny!
Wayne Kg4muk –
I built a tilt pole that is 35 feet that’s the feed point .it’s also the bottom of the property with 12 foot drop from my house. I have a 20 foot pipe next to house with a pvc pipe 6 feet off top of that pole that puts the center of the wire at 40 feet, and it’s hook off a tree with pulley and a weight with my Kenwood 590 or the FT 101dx and 600 watts on 17 meters 20 meters 40 and 75 meters im busting the pile ups like it nothing seriously I have tested dozens of different methods Antennas this one is by far the best in the world personally with this kinda performance and quality it’s priced very good it’s well worth it I have been working stations in Russia, England, Australia Ireland, India and the Dominican republic with 500 watts and a S-15 to 25 over report and even with only 200 watts I’m working every thing I’m working with 500. I ran the R9 it was good ( when it’s tuned right) but the end fed it’s 50-1 better with my MA5B anyone I copied the beam was S10 with some noise the end feed there S7 low noise but I’m hearing stations in 12 states in all directions I give this 7510 a 10 stars rating quality perfection, and performance it’s the best of the best there is none better than the My Antenna. 73”s from Kg4Muk. MM
John Johnson –
After weeks of fighting with the radials on a vertical to get the
SWR’s low enough to transmit I decided to try the ESHW-7510-PLUS
with my Yaesu 101D. Installation was about 1 hour and it’s up about
40’ and the SWR’s are 1:2 to 1:4 across all bands.
OUTSTANDING!!!!. My compliments on your engineer design and the
quality of your product.
Norman Taylor –
WOW! What an improvement! I had an EFHW-8010 from and I was very happy with that but it got damaged. It didn’t get much on 20 meters from the start and was limited on 40 meters, I just assumed it was the way I had it installed. Then messing with the trees it was hung in I accidently cut 9 feet off of it; which decreased reception on 40 meters even more and killed 20 meters altogether. It worked fairly well on 80 meters which is the band I spent most of my time on, so I was living with it. You may say that now would be a good time to get into building your own but I have no interest in building my own yet; electronics is sort of like voodoo to me, especially when there are people like Myantennas around who have the electronic knowledge and experience that I don’t have. Decided to see if I could rehang it to get better usefulness but did not help. I saw an update on the myantennas website about this antenna and the improvements that were made. it was substantially more expensive than the one I was replacing but I hoped there was an equal improvement in performance so I went ahead and bought it. I strung it up the same way I had the damaged one and I was very surprised to see the waterfall on my radio (Yaesu FT-DX10) light up! I’ve got stations on my 3 primary interests – 20,40 and 80 – through the entire spread of the bands! All i can say is WOW! this antenna so far (aprox. 4 weeks now) has been worth every penny as well as being better able to take advantage of the quality of the radio. Now I have to see about getting it higher in the air! I live on the side of a hill in a deep valley with lots of cedar trees around so reception is a challenge anyway but now I have a chance at getting some distance!!
Perry Wheless –
OK. 2 houses . EFHW-7510-2K-Plus installed at one last week checks out perfecto – especially the low SWR at 3.88 MHz is sweet for my 75m AM habit. So what to do? Just entered another order for house 2 to get one of these babies as well!
Kory –
I have one end of the wire about 50-60’ up in a tree sloping down to my garden about 5’ off the ground where I feed the matchbox. Results have been absolutely fantastic! I operate mainly SSB and I can operate on almost all bands with no tuner engaged what so ever. The SWR on 17 and part of 20 is easily cleaned up with the rig’s internal tuner. So far this weekend I’ve worked stations all over the world. Yes band conditions have been good but this antenna is helping as well! It’s fun to be able to hop around essentially all of HF without even tuning most of the time! I’m just running 100 watts right now but a 700w SS amp is probably in the future and it’s good to know this can handle it. I’m going to buy the 40-10 version for POTA activations!
Amazing antenna, don’t forget the choke too. I made contacts with ease even when turned off the amp using 100 watts made in usa made well !
Brig Gen. Thomas Ball –
This is an outstanding antenna. First day I put it up I contacted Mexico, Canada, Italy, and Australia!
Ronald Parks –
This is my 2nd purchase of his Antenna and 4th Purchase of a My antennas end-Fed Antenna. I have been impressed both by their simplicity and their performance. I am also impressed by the way My Antennas has improved their already good products to make them better!
Lance –
I installed this antenna exactly two weeks ago today. It is mounted 20 feet above the ground in a “lazy L” formation. In those two weeks, I’ve logged 120+ QSOs. The SWR readings are quite good:
10M: 1.78
12M: 1.56
15M: 1.06
17M: 1.59
20M: 1.92
40M: 1.54
80M: 1.29
Though this antenna is a bit expensive for a wire, it performs extremely well and is worth the price.
Alan Kontak –
Best antenna I ever had
James Creasy –
Works fantastic low swr
Anonymous –
Andrew Wood –
First off this is my first EFHW, I went with the 7510 EFHW due to the location and the amount of Coax needed.
The antenna is in an Inverted V configuration, the feed point is 14’ off the ground and is also grounded to a Ground Rod. The Apex is supported underneath the canopy of a couple of large Bur Oaks at a height of 37’ and the terminal end is 18’ off the ground supported with a rope going to a fairly large Hickory. I’m running DX engineering’s 400 max and is about 116’ long going to a lightning arrestor that is also grounded at the shack and bonded back to the other Ground near the feed point. My radio of choice is a Kenwood 590 S that has an internal tuner but the SWR is well under 1.5 mostly 1.1 or 1.2 through out all the bands. Simply amazing, I’m receiving great audio reports many 5/9 some 5/7 and working the pile ups quite handily I may ad all the while running barefoot at a 100 watts.
I also have an IMAX 2000 5/8 wave vertical with the feed point at 37’ its kind of similar to the old Shake Spears Big Stick. It’s 23’10” tall and I have literally talked around the world with the IMAX. I haven’t had this EFHW for to long but I’m finding it to be about 1 to 2 S units better receive than my Vertical. Time will tell as to the Quality, but it seems quite sturdy . As mentioned I’m pretty new ham, passed my General in the end of March 2024. This EFHW has really improved my ability to reach out to the rest of the country as my Vertical is really set up for more DX than local. Im now just shy of 7 States for the all 50 State award and this EFHW has helped with many of them.
Thanks to MyAntennas for a wonderful antenna and to the engineers that designed it.
God Bless and 73s
Andrew Wood
Charles Flynn –
Isaac Roebuck –
Dan –
I’m pending installation but I can tell you why I made this purchase. My location is very windy so I thought this would be a great way to start. 2nd reason is when using a solid-state amp since the MyAntenna is resonate on the bands there is less chance of the amp shutting down. Working with a guy on YouTube about his amp issue and buying a MyAntenna with excellent results prompted me to do the same.
Daniel K. –
The MyAntennas EFHW has always been the go to for me. I have three of them, two permanaently mounted for base station use, each oriented differently. The third is used for portable operations. I have a loop antenna as well from another company.
I’ve heard comments from some that the EFHW is a compromise antenna for small properties but that is not my experience. It consistenly outperforms the loop.
I’ve been licensed 39 years using different antennas over the years and never enjoyed the hobby more than when I started using the MyAntennas EFHW. It tunes easily on all bands as advertised or in many cases requires no tuning. I use the internal radio tuner with no issues. Signal reports are good. If I can hear them, I can expect to work them.
Anonymous –
Works well. I previously had the myantennas 40 meter antenna. I upgraded as I wanted extra bands and wanted to be able to transmit full power on occasion.
I had to wait until MA was off hiatus. It was worth the money. Not only is the antenna solid build quality but I had technical issue after install. And they helped me come to a solution.
Fyi g90 on this antenna will need K9DP BCI filter from amazon.
Michael Hardee –
outstanding antenna
Joseph Hardy –
Clyde –
Excellent Product. 100% exceeded my expectations for an HOA installation with height limitations. Highly recommend this product. Have made many DX contacts and always receive excellent signal reports.
Ken K. –
Perfect I can get on the 80m sideband net without having to use a tuner. Just for a test I checked into the net with 1/2 watt and guys in Tennessee could hear me from Central South Carolina. It receives quite well and transmits just as good. I also have the original MyAntenna still up and running it runs East to West while this one runs South to North. Thank You for a couple of great antennas.
Art W5ATK –
I have never owned an EFHW antenna where I didn’t need a tuner, especially when transmitting at least 1kw. I literally shut off my tuner or go to bypass on every band. I use other HF antennas, but thus is my go to for pulling out DX.
Jason M. –
I was asked to leave a review, and since i have bought this antenna many months ago, its been nothing but great, the wire has held up to the elements and has great performance for an end fed wire, and my primary antenna for working dx.
William Weeks –
Jeff R. –
Quick easy transaction. Excellent product
Thomas Y. –
Excellent antenna. Low SWR on all bands and/or tunes well. Good rugged construction that has survived some winds in the 50+ MPH range.
William Wallace –
I put this 75-10 up and the tuning was great on all the frequencies I use. I installed the balun on the side of the building at about 10 feet then most of the antenna is elevated to about 30 feet. I rarely use my tuner except for a little touch up on 75/80 m . The quality of the antenna is first rate and I am very happy with the performance of the antenna.
Danny Malone –
Antenna works great all bands 75-10 meters. Good SWR. Danny, AA4DM
David M. –
This antenna requires height, if you can get it high enough it works pretty good. Keep in mind, antenna will require some tuning.
Denis –
Quality materials and very well made, worth the price
OUTSTANDING build quality and OUTSTANDING performance! Tuning to the target voice portions of all bands from 10 through 80 meters is easy. See the MyAntennas Facebook page for details. I could not be happier with my antenna!
Ralph –
Great products at a fair price. I have three antennas including one that I have used for over six years. Recently purchased two more, the 7510-2K and a 160 meter set up. My original 8010 will become a field use portable and be replaced by the 7510. The 160 meter antenna will be used on my second station l have recently installed in my garage office. I am a believer in this antenna company to say the least. Thanks for your superb products. Have tried the competition and found the quality lacking. I consider these the best available.
Godwin Dale Smith –
Godwin Dale Smith WB4YVW : By far the best antenna I have ever used in my 55 years on the air . When on 75 meters using only the IC-7300 , people ask “ What is your amplifier “ ? Lastly on 20 meters I easily talk to my friends in west Australia , one operating mobile on the Indian Ocean Long path ! Simply amazing with 58 signal reports both sides . The next week he bought the same MY Antennas . A truly Engineered Product . 73s
Fred S. –
Michael C. –
This is a very well built quality product. I have it pretty high and in an L shaped configuration. The antenna tunes very well on most of the high bands but needs a tuner for parts of the lower bands. Its a really good wide band receive antenna too although it does tend to overload the front end on my Icom (but that’s a radio problem). Can easily work friends in the US (using the same antenna!) from VK6, which is a long way! I normally build all my own antennas so buying this seemed expensive but you get what you pay for and it is an excellent product and worth the cash in my view.
Daniel M. –
This end-fed antenna has worked exceptionally well for regional NVIS communications as well as longer distance DX. I especially like that the SWR is low enough that the antenna tuner built into my transceiver is sufficient.
Was using the lower power version of the 80-10. Upgraded to this 2K plus and put amplifier online. Always getting great signal reports and wonderful reception on this antenna. Mounted antenna 12′ high at feed point and 40′ at opposite end. Placed new ground system and connected antenna, equipment and shack on same earth ground. Using Yaesu FTdx1200 and Ameritron AL811H pushing 500 watts PEP. Great antenna and still have the 80-10 in reserve for portable operations.
Dennis –
Great contacts. Ease of installation.
Evan –
All I expected and more
Ronald Wiley –
The ad is deceiving you still need a tuner
David C. –
It works great I will be ordering another one soon.
Easy installation. Outperforms my G5RV and the G5RV is higher!
George –
Works great! Very well built. I’ve ordered another for a different location.
Walter Greenewald –
Excellent antenna swr’s is good 10 through 80 m and was able to work Europe Russia the Middle East Australian New Zealand and stations over in the Middle East with only a hundred Watts they thought I was running an amplifier was giving them 9 + units. I’ve been very pleased with the performance of this antenna. I have it configured in a horizontal C configuration. The antenna is heavy duty and pretty rugged only have it up off the ground 20 ft and it performs very very well I would definitely recommend this antenna to anybody that’s seriously into ham radio.
Jack Matney –
Love the antenna, receives very well and I get great signal reports
Dennis –
Phil G. –
Always EXCELLENT quality of all components and workmanship. I have purchased 8 units over the years and install the 8010 or 7510 1K or 2K for new Hams that I elmer .
Raymond –
Love this antenna for my limited space. I will say the mercury amp does not ‘like’ it too much. A 1:1 good balun @ the feed point solved that issue!
William Metcalf –
Installed as inverted V with a 70’ apex. Functions well with low SWR on bands 75 thru 10 meters.?
Wolfgang GABRUTSCH –
Perfect product and shipping in time!
ward –
Build quality is excellent and the manufacture is responsive and helpful. Mine has been in the air for 6 months, survived wind, rain (lots) and sun, and is still being used daily.
Lloyd Wright –
Most excellent build quality – performs as promised – neat to experiment with – handles all the power I can put to it.
It’s a keeper for sure.
Mia J. –
This was my second EFHW from MyAntennas. I had to replace the first one that was damaged when my house had some work done to it. I put it up in a different configuration with the transformer mounted about 12 feet high and then going at a slant up to a mast on my roof at about 40 feet off the ground and then straight back to another mast at 30 feet high. I get good matching and good performance on most bands but do have to use my external tuner on the upper end of 80 meters. It has been through several heavy snow storms without any issues.
James B. –
I love mine. Absolutely no tuning required on the phone bands I use. 75, 40, 20, 15 & 10. Works great for me.
Dan R. –
Love this antenna. Have made many phone and data contacts using it. Very sturdy.
Brent Grover –
Antenna works as expected. It is holding up well in northeastern Ohio weather. Would buy again. K8OOO
Robert Tison –
Excellent built works great on all bands
Francis J Arnona Jr –
Great antennas, they work great.!!
Joseph laney –
Well built antenna works great
Brian McDonald –
Kirk K. –
Great Antenna, very easy to tune great service.
Brewer Pedin –
Considering labor and parts, I couldn’t build EFHW for the price. And it works great, all bands, little to zero tuning required. A wonderful multi-band antenna.
Anonymous –
Easy to install. Works with FT8 500w. No problem. Rugged. Withstands 50mph winds. Worked lots of dx with antenna. A bit spendy, but well made and worth cost.
Ken –
Kent –
Dennis O. –
Bought the 2K+ version of the antenna. All I did was throw up the wire between 2 trees and I was on the air. Joined a net that night on 80M with a good signal report. I had a lot of background noise initially. Added a choke at the antenna end, cutting the noise by more than half. I have since made contacts on 20 M & 40 M with good reports. One of the best ham investments that I have made. Couldn’t be happier.
Kelly –
Love this antenna for my ham shack! Works great with my Yaesu FT-DX10.
Jana Shepherd –
Really happy with my end fed.
Larry Staker –
Phillip Lackey –
Antenna works great. I use it as a sloper. Bought two of them. Highly recommend.
Grant G. –
I am very impressed with the performance of this antenna. I have flat line or very low SWR across the advertised bands. Set up was very straight forward and I chose a sloper with a angle change midway. The only adjustment I made was to double back unto the wire 8 inches secured with tie wraps.
Wayne yates –
Hello from kg4muk let me just say that I have tested 100”s of different types wire antennas and I have really tested a lot over the last 21 years the my Antenna 1075 that I bought the quality is a above everything I have had the receive is insane and the world wide contacts I have made and I logged all these test I can honestly say these are the best there well worth the money you pay and I’d love to get one more later but get a 10-40 end fed . I put mine up at feed point 30 feet ran it straight across my property tied off at at 30 feet I put a extra insulator on almost in the center I have a tower at 60 feet and have the center on wire pulled up to 49 feet there is a 4 foot stand off of tower and I talk to and hear everything I just can’t believe I put it off so long but I’d buy a dozen more it’s my favorite end fed bar none !!
David G. –
Great antenna
Steve Graves –
Phillip Lackey –
Works very well. I bought two.
Thomas –
The service was very fast, and the antenna is very good. I’m having a great time making contacts with it. I’m not having any trouble loading it up on all bands.
Jim Davis –
This is the second antenna I have purchased, and they both work great. They are 90 degrees to one another and only about 20 feet off the ground; from western PA I’m making FT8 contacts all over the world. And any SSB contacts I hear and want to respond to. I’m thinking of a third one for our camp up north.
Robert Robinson –
Awesome antenna, I’ve only used it one’s so far. It did an amazing job on 80 meters and seemed to match up well on all the bands stated it was designed for. I would highly recommend this antenna to anyone. 🙂
George R. –
A very good antenna. I have two. It seems to perform best when mounted at least 30 feet above ground.
Anonymous –
Calvin –
Highly recommended this product. It is the best wire antenna that I have ever used.
John Joseph –
Installed as a half square fed at the base of one leg. No trouble working local on the low bands or DX on the higher ones. Quality product.
David Mossor –
Outstanding performance. 1.3:1 or less swr on all bands. I have never been disappointed on any of the antennas I have purchased over the years from Myantennas.
David B. –
The antenna exceeded my expectations !!!!! This is my second efhw antenna and performs so much better than the previous one. My antennas rock !!!
Michael Neuliep –
My kit didn’t come with the pole clamps as pictured above, but as to the performance of the antenna itself, SWR is under 2.0 on 10, 20, and 40, so my Icom’s internal tuner has no trouble with it. 75m works as well. 80m requires a tuner, but it’s not terrible. This antenna came recommended by a fellow radio operator. I’m happy with the purchase as I just needed something that worked out of the box and this did just that. Now that I see how end-feds are built, I think I’m going to try to save a bit of money and build my next one. This antenna’s base is secured to my back deck about 10 foot of in the air and the wire is strung into a tree about 100 foot up in the air, creating a nice sloper at about 40 degrees. My topography isn’t great for signal launch, but I’ve worked all of north america and most of central america. I’ve hit the UK, Spain and Germany a couple of times as well. Giving it 4/5 stars, dinging one star for missing clamps and for price.
Danny-E73M –
Your complaint about not sending you installation plate and U-bolts is unwarranted, you opted not to buy them. If you go to product page you will see the ”
choose option” in which you chose antenna only. You can see that in the confirmation email you have received on November 7th 2024
Anonymous –
Ronny Roush –
Best wire end fed antenna I have seen I have had mine up almost 2 years now and it’s my go to antenna every day, I talk around the world on it 95% of the time on just 100 watts or less. Yes I highly recommend this antenna !!
Edward C. –
James S. –
Works as advertised. Elecraft equipment tunes it on all advertised bands.
Paul B. –
I didn’t get it up as high as I would have liked to, but that said, I’m very surprised at how well it’s working where it’s at. The high end is about 35′ up in a tree, low end is 18′ off the ground. Come spring, I’ll have the opportunity to get the upper end quite a bit higher.
Troy Moss –
Really good antenna. Does well on all bands. With a good tuner you can talk on 60m and 160m.
jackie webb –
Gives me 10/80 meters with out being seen by neighbors with easy to install holds up during bad weather low swr
Timothy –
Works great. Swr perfect out of the box. Set up as an inverted L.
Merlin Patterson –
merlin patterson
Daniel S. –
This is the second antenna from MyAntennas and am pleased with its performance and ease of installation. I needed an antenna that would work well on 75 and 40 meters and that would handle my 1000 watt amplifier. This antenna is working as advertised. Great antenna and well designed. Would highly recommend!
Gene Radtke –
Great antenna at my location. Per feedback antenna performs better than my ground mounted Stepp IR vertical antenna. Antenna is tuneable with tuner on my Kenwood 990. Only need to tune on 80 meter band.
Al Huffman –
Easy to install and works better than expected
Matthew –
Excellent product backed up by excellent support.
Anonymous –
excellent quality. Looks like it’s built to last
James S. –
Works great. Excellent match for my ic 7310
Edward N. –
I have several “Myantennas” wire antennas and they work very well.
Steven B. –
Thomas Lewis –
Jack Martin –
Anthony –
Works Great, as described!
Thomas Sefranek –
I have had several of these, with great results. They however, can not survive a direct lightning strike! 🙂
gary j. –
Works better than i thought it would
Michael S. –
I am happy with the quality and performance of this antenna
paul tice –
Donald A. –
Well built. Quality materials meets or exceeds advertised electrical specifications
Walzora Jackson –
Well the weather is not to antenna friendly right now.I purchased the antenna to replaced a 17 year old Buckmaster ocf dipole and it’s still going strong, if the ocf starts having issues I will install the EFHW will go up with no hesitation and I have all confidence that it will be just as good as my present antenna. I know this because I have several ham buddies that recommend 7510-2k
George –
Easy to purchase, set up and use! This antenna outperforms others I have used for HF.
Tim Hasselbach –
I recently purchased a 7510 2k after a lot of researching.
I initially thought it was too pricy, but when arrived I immediately noticed this thing is well made.
The housing for the transformer is a beast. The wire is top notch. The tuning is awesome.
So I replaced an Amazon 64 to 1 unit that was 65 feet, which did pretty good actually. My set up is a DX10 and I normally run it at 85 watts.
The 7510 is in a inverted V configuration inatalled over my single story house. The center of the 135 foot wire is about 40 feet high supported by a plastic mast that is guyed.
At each end it’s about 30 feet in the air. Fed with RG213 and I did not ground the transformer per the instructions since the box is so high up.
To date I talked to someone in Nambia Africia which was about 8,500 miles from my shack and it was 59 both ways.
I’m getting contacts now never received before. I bought the 2k since I’m going to hook up a Ameritron 80B linear soon.
I’m really impressed with this antenna so far and highly recommend it.
And if you talk on the 80 meter nets in the 3.800 to 3.900 range, get the 75 meter option.
Good luck.
Stephen Cosentino –
Shane Almand W6GYY –
I absolutely love this antenna. It’s the best wire antenna I’ve found. I can now be heard through pile-ups and can pick up those weak far off stations. It works very well for broadcast AM receiving also. I don’t use my tuner at all anymore. If your looking for an EFHW antenna, this is the one to buy.
Robert M. –
Good antenna. Would buy again
Thomas Ernster –
Very durable and well made.
Robert –
Tim Rock –
George –
These guys build quality products that work.
Tim Hasselbach –
Works fantastic. Very happy.
Aaron J Turner –
I recently purchased this antenna after being off the air from September 2024 to February 2025, I did a bunch of research as I had a non named EFHW before, but it was extremely close to my home, even going over its roof, and was low, very low, about 8ft off the ground. I was convinced I HATED EFHWs, it was noisy, gave me horrible RFI and was overall a pain too use and tune due to a bad balun with water damage. It was moved around and dropped and beat up from multiple QTH moves, and I was convinced I hated wire antennas.. That was until I emailed Danny, E73M, He reassured me that my headaches could be corrected, and told me he had a 80–10 model in a Inverted L at his home. I checked his QRZ log and was impressed. He sent me pictures of his installations and gave me some advice about questions I had.
I placed an order the same day for a 75-10 and a CMC 130, about a week later it was on the way, and, shipped out on a Friday, scheduled for a Monday delivery, but mother nature derailed the south for 4 days with snow, so I did not receive my antenna until the following Friday, no fault of Danny of course.
The next day I set out with my dad to help erect the antenna, I buried a coax line 100ft from my shack to an oak tree and drove a ground rod at the feedpoint with a hammer. I carefully unrolled one coil of the antenna and pushed it up with a push pole over a branch at 20ish feet while on a 6ft ladder, then slowly drug the wire over the branch making sure not to be too rough with it, then I took a throw line and bag and threw it over another tree branch about 35 ft high for extra support that was directly across from the first about 40ft away in another tree, hoisted that up carefully then finally tied it off to a short 10ft tree at the edge of my property. All in in big straight line. Next I made up the ground rod wire connection with 10 AWG wire to the rod, lastly, installed the CMC at the shack end and weatherproofed my coax connections.
Raw SWR, no tuner engaged or used is as follows:
80: from 3.500 to 3.720 SWR under a 2:1, above that it rises to about a 3.5ish on 3.999, well acceptable for my ten tec 238B or my MFJ 994B. Radio tuner will tune everything except 3.905 and up, but this is not bad as I mainly use an external tuner anyways. Swr is about 3.5 to 1 at 3.999. I mainly use the CW segment and extra class segment of this band, so either tuner is acceptable for me.
40: About a 2.8 to 3.0 across the band
30: 1.5 across the whole band
20: 14.000 is a 1.1, 14.300 2.0
17: Under 2:1 whole band
15: About a 2.5 to 3.0 across the whole band
12: 2.0 across the whole band
10:28.0 to 29.0 is a 3.5 to 3.0 SWR, favoring the FM portion of 10 from 29.0 to 29.7 it dips from a 3.0 to a 2.5 back to 3.0 around 29.700
The radio tuner will tune every band except the top end of 80 meters and 28-29MHz. Which suits my needs for LP use, and HP use on low end of 75 below 3800, I rarely run my Ten Tec Centaur above 80 Meters anyways.
I found all my headaches were Indeed gone, the noise floor was about an S0 on the upper bands, and marginal on the lower bands. I was hearing stations I never knew were there on bands that were “Dead” boy, I was shocked. I have only had the antenna up for a few days and made SSB QSOs with several common countries but even heard some stations I never knew were operating. I will probably do a more extensive review of them. I heard some VK and 9Z on 10 and 12 meters, which for me is rare, I was only able to get them on FT8 before with the other antenna. Since my interests have moved to CW and SSB I look forward to seeing what else I can hear. So far my stations worked are:
VP2: Anguilla, CW
HZ1: Saudi Arabia, CW
KP2: Virgin Islands, CW
HR5: Honduras, CW
9Z4: Trinidad, CW
HI2: Dominican Republic, SSB
V44: St. Kitts, CW
PJ2: Curacao, CW
V73: Marshall Islands, CW
JG8: Minami Torishima, CW
HD8: Galapagos Island, CW
TI2: Costa Rica, SSB
P40: Aurba, CW
SV3: Greece, SSB
VP9: Bermuda
PD7: Neatherlands, SSB
DD7: Germany, SSB
F4B: France, SSB
IR0: Sardinia, CW
VP5: Turks & Caicos Is., CW
LB2: Norway, CW
V3T: Belize, CW
KH7: Hawaii, confirmed for WAS! Last One! CW on 10 and 15 meters
CT1 Portugal, CW
VJ3: Australia, CW
UW5: Ukraine, CW
TO4: Martinique, CW
EA9: Ceuta and Melilla, CW
CR3: Maderia Islands, CW
EA8: Canary Islands, CW
MW4: Wales, CW
CR2: Azores, CW
PJ4: Bonaire, CW
IS0: Sardinia, CW
That’s just within 2 WEEKS of putting this antenna up!
I worked 41 countries during the ARRL DX CW test, my FIRST EVER CW test.. Had a BLAST!
My friends on 80M say I’m as loud as I’ve ever been. Had a nice ragchew with 5 or so of us, some about 100-175 miles away and 1 person about 20 miles from me, all perfectly readable, I could hear stations no one else could. I also worked W4CMG during the QRP Fox hunt that same night with 5W. 5NN + 20 at my QTH.
Overall, I am very happy with this antenna. I expect with regular maintenance, it will last for years to come. I look forward to Dxing and many QSOs.
Just my honest 5 star review. 73 de W4WSV.
here is a video of my setup:
Donald Graham –
So far so good, I would have liked to have some written instructions with the antenna because it is so dependent on how it is hung!
Danny-E73M –
The PDF manual is on product page and on FAQ page.
David karlson –
Have nt installed yet, but seems well constructed