9:1 UNUN

(14 customer reviews)


UNUN 9:1 (450:50 Ohms) or 4:1 (200:50 Ohms)

  • Covers frequencies 1-54MHz
  • Power 3kW ICAS


SKU: UNUN 9:1 1500W Category:


UNUN 9:1 or 4:1- 3kW ICAS

This is a dual 9:1 and 4:1 UNUN  used for popular “non-resonant” length END FED wire antennas or verticals like 27 or 43 feet. You can add your own wire or get the complete product from this link EFLW-3K antennas.

UNUN  Features:

  • The Trifilar wound with PTFE (Teflon) insulated wire on two stacked 2.9″ (73mm) Ferrite cores for maximum frequency bandwidth.
  • SO-239 PTFE (Teflon) connector
  • Stainless steel hardware and connecting studs.
  •  Optional Pole installation plate and hardware for up to 1.75 inches diameter

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
UNUN 9-4:1

UNUN 9-4:1 only, UNUN 9-4:1 with pole installation plate kit

14 reviews for 9:1 UNUN

  1. William Stoops

    Nice construction and works as advertised, every item I have purchased from My Antennas has been great. I now have the 9:1/4:1 UNUN the 75-10 49:1 end fed the 80-10 49:1 end fed, and the CMC-154-3K 1-54MHz common mode choke and am very satisfied with all.

  2. Matt Cole

  3. Thomas

    Reliable part of my 80M OCFD, in use every day <K1TWH

  4. Joseph Limposa

    Works Great!!!

  5. Gerald L.

    Well manufactured. High quality.

  6. Denis

  7. James

    At first I was perplexed. I just could not seem to get it to work. Once I bonded the balun to the tower I was pretty impressed. As usual any antenna work equals dead bands.
    Over time I was able to tweak the length and now have it almost flat across most of my favorite bands. I can not comment on 160m. But everything except 6m I have had excellent comments and reports on. 6m I have a large J pole and 10m I have a radial.
    Right now I have a slopper. balun at 50′ running out 84′ to a 15′ post in the ground. balun is bonded to the tower. About to add a post and another 100′ of 12 awg wire. YOU MUST GROUND THESE or they don’t work.
    All in all I would give it 5 stars. Excellent construction. Good materials and performance. Very happy and makes the Mrs very happy. I have to listen quite a bit about my colleges antenna farms. KC3SNR 73

  8. Tim

    Great UNUN. I’ve tried a few from other companies but they had a tendency to fluctuate my SWR readings even though they were supposedly rated for higher wattage than what I was using. This MyAntennas 9:1 & 4:1 has been working flawlessly for over a year now. It is in use every day for hours on end and I’ve experimented with changing the wire, length, and configuration and it works like a champ from 160m-6m. Great item and will probably purchase this or a similar one soon for another antenna project.

  9. VIC M.

  10. Anonymous


  11. Timothy C.

    Quality build and material. Complete hardware.

  12. Don L.

    Well made, works great.

  13. kenneth steiner

    Extremely well made. Performance exceeded expectations. Great to have a choice of 4:1 or 9:1

  14. Arthur

    A very versitile UnUn for unbalanced to unbalanced antennas, EFHW, verticals. well built and all the hardware is included. A nice product.

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