I had no problem connecting the wire to the MEF-130-LP and getting it strung up in some nearby trees. It tunes up on all bands between 40 and 10 with a tuner. I am sure it would be even better if I could get it up higher.
Rated 4 out of 5
Greg –
A bit pricey but just right to replace my damaged one! Thinking about ordering an 80m one also.
Rated 5 out of 5
Needed a new wire for my 40-10 endfed that Hurricane Milton took down, got back on the air yesterday. Tunes up from 160 to 6 meters with just the internal tuner on my FLEX3000
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Cliff L. –
I had no problem connecting the wire to the MEF-130-LP and getting it strung up in some nearby trees. It tunes up on all bands between 40 and 10 with a tuner. I am sure it would be even better if I could get it up higher.
Greg –
A bit pricey but just right to replace my damaged one! Thinking about ordering an 80m one also.
Needed a new wire for my 40-10 endfed that Hurricane Milton took down, got back on the air yesterday. Tunes up from 160 to 6 meters with just the internal tuner on my FLEX3000